The First Post

Taking the first step, writing my first real post on his blog. And why would that be difficult? For me who used to work as a life and business coach, helping people finding their professional niche, identifying their passions, etc.

Someone said, that an apple tree doesn't have to worry about selling apples. Which is obvious. Nor do I have to worry about who wants to read what I'm writing - or if there's anyone who wants to read it at all. I am writing this blog to please my own soul and because it is my hobby.

I am therefore free to find a niche or not. I can write about what suits me on a particular day. And about something completely different on the next. That is quite liberating .... but at the same time a little strange for someone like me needing structure and systems. It makes writing uncomplicated and at the same time a little scary.

I know that there will be a lot of posts focusing on the subject of TIME. Time management, planning, project management, gameplanning, time in a spiritual perspective .... and so on. I will also write about many other things. I will place myself on an autumn leaf on a river and see where I'm taken, and write about things that I meet on my way down the stream. That thought is so inspiring!!

Have you ever considered creating a blog? If so, what would your blog be about?


I can't bear to delete

...this little feature from my original blog many years ago. My husbond and I have been together for this long:

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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